The Benefits of Alcohol

The Benefits of Alcohol
Assorted alcohol drinks arranged in a bar

For more than 10,000 years, humans have been consuming fermented beverages. However, the debate still rolls over today whether drinking alcohol is good or bad for your health.

It wouldn’t be surprising to state that alcohol is a two-faced drink. In addition to giving pleasure, it also poses some health threats. But it all depends upon the consumption. As long as you drink alcohol in lower quantities, there’s no serious health threat. In fact, there are some surprising health benefits of the active ingredients present in alcoholic drinks.

Here are some health benefits of alcohol.

Benefit 01: Alcohol Can Help Prevent Cold

We’re not recommending you to drink while you have a cold, but studies validate that those in the habit of moderate drinking have lower chances of catching a cold. It’s because red wine contains antioxidants that lower your likelihood of a cold by a whopping 60 percent.

Benefit 02: Burn Fat with Red Wine

Do you know that a glass of red wine aids your weight loss journey? According to a recent study, the dark red grapes of red wine contain a chemical called ellagic acid. This helps in managing obesity and burning fats. It also lowers the growth of fatty cells and boosts the body’s metabolism.

A bottle pouring red wine in a glass

Benefit 03: Increase Oxygen Circulation with Beer

Whether you love Guinness or Bud Light, beers are a suitable package of vitamin B, calcium, and magnesium. But dark beers are richer in nutritional content, thanks to their high iron levels. They help in enhancing the oxygen circulation in the body relatively better.

Benefit 04: Moderate Drinking Improves Heart Condition

Considering you don’t have any severe health disease, moderate drinking can keep your heart in good condition. Consuming alcohol in small amounts or portions can lower your risk of heart disease by 25% to 40%. Moreover, you’ve got fewer chances of developing hardened arteries, heart stroke, or attack.

Benefit 05: Drinking Can Prevent Kidney Stones

Here's good news for regular moderate drinkers. You can lower your chances of developing kidney stones by drinking beer and wine in moderate quantities. One of the reasons that strengthen this fact is that alcohol makes you go to the toilet very often. It keeps your kidneys well-functioning.

Don't drink too much, or else it will lead to dehydration, and you'll increase the risks of kidney stones.

But we’ve got another solution to your dehydration problem. Buy our electrolyte replacement drink that keeps you hydrated after drinking, and you feel better. You can also think about adding ADULTalyte’s advanced electrolyte powder and alcohol recovery drinks to prevent headaches and boost energy.

To place your orders, visit our website today. Get free shipping on orders above $75.

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