Recreate A Wine Tasting At Home With These Steps!

Recreate A Wine Tasting At Home With These Steps!

Bottles of wine

The best way to learn about wine is through wine tastings. After all, you don’t want to end up with a bottle of wine you don’t enjoy, especially if it’s expensive. However, due to COVID-19, wine tasting tours aren’t ideal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t recreate a wine tasting at home.

Here are some steps to hosting a wine tasting at home:  

Choosing the wines

When recreating a wine tasting at home, don’t go too overboard with the wines. Since there are so many kinds of wine available, always do your research and opt for notes that you prefer.

The best way to go about choosing wines for your wine tasting is to pick a theme. Let’s say you’re opting for chardonnay, pick the most famous regions for chardonnay and select wines from that region. Don’t feel pressured into buying wines that are too expensive. Skip those for a wine with similar notes instead.

Selecting food to go with it

Don’t make the mistake of having loads of wine with little to no food. You’re bound to get drunk and feel awful if that happens, ruining your wine tasting experience. Food is a big part of a wine tasting and it needs to be fully integrated into the event. Select foods that will go with each wine, whether that’s a particular canape or cheese.

Set the table

When setting the table for a wine tasting, have everything on hand to make the wine tasting go much smoother. Some essentials are:

  • A white table cloth to clearly see the color of the wines
  • A few bowls of bland crackers
  • Bottle openers
  • Appropriate wine glasses

Wine glasses at a wine tasting.

Finish with a meal 

Always finish a wine tasting with a delicious meal. Whether it’s with your family, or just your partner, an amazing meal is the perfect end to a fun night.

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