Celebrate Your Anniversary At Home With These Ideas

Celebrate Your Anniversary At Home With These Ideas

Romantic dinner at home.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had to change up most aspects of our life that were once considered “normal”. Staying at home has now become a big part of our life and we only head out when necessary.

Since the pandemic has been going on for over a year already, there are plenty of special occasions we have had to celebrate at home with only our nearest and dearest. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time!

Here are some unique ideas for celebrating your anniversary with your partner at home:

Recreate a cinema experience

With cinemas being shut down due to COVID-19, the film industry has suffered immense losses. In addition to the closure of theatres, the lack of movies being released has also led to major cinema chains like Regal closing down across the United States. If you and your partner love going to the cinema, how about you recreate the cinema experience in your home?

Invest in a projector that can be attached to the TV, laptop, or even your phone and set up a big screen. You can recreate an outdoor cinema in the backyard too. Have fresh popcorn popped, along with other popular cinema snacks and drinks.

Instead of watching a movie, watch back your wedding video. If you’re not married, or don’t have any footage, create a video or slideshow for your partner, containing all the special moments you have had together.

Rose for your partner.

Take a virtual cocktail mixing class

There’s nothing like getting tipsy or drunk with your partner! Book a virtual cocktail mixing class with your partner to spice up your anniversary. You get to enjoy amazing cocktails and each other’s company in a safe way.

Pro tip: If your anniversary falls on a weekday, make sure you’re having ADULTalyte between the drinks to prevent a hangover.

Plan a games night

Board games are super fun, so why not surprise your partner with a board games night for your anniversary. You can easily buy fun games online, perhaps some adult couple’s games too *wink wink*. Common games that are super fun to play are twister, Pictionary, Jenga, Mr and Mrs., 5 second rule, charades, etc.

Alcohol is likely going to be a big part of your anniversary celebrations at home. Prevent a hangover with an advanced electrolyte hydration powder. Our electrolyte replacement drink hydrates you after a night of drinking, making you feel instantly better. This morning recovery hangover drink also helps with headaches and can make you feel energized when you’re feeling drained of energy. Place an order today, you get free shipping over orders of $75.

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