Easter Egg Hunt Ideas For Adults

Easter Egg Hunt Ideas For Adults

Easter egg hunt area in the backyard.

With Easter a few weeks away, you have just enough time to prepare some fun games for the kids and adults. While Easter egg hunts are associated with the children, this year, host one for the adults too.

Here are some Easter egg hunt ideas that adults will love.

Bath bomb Easter egg hunt

A fun play on the traditional Easter egg hunt, try to hide bath bombs instead of eggs. Bath bombs are ideal after a long and stressful day and as adults, we all experience that on a regular basis.

Mini liquor hunt

The adults deserve a worthwhile Easter egg hunt too. To make the Easter egg hunt more age appropriate, hide mini liquor bottles around the house or backyard and get the adults to look for them.

Mini Jack Daniels.

Easter egg race

Switch up the traditional Easter egg hunt with an Easter egg race. In this race, all participants are required to carry a raw egg in a spoon placed in their mouth to the finish line. The winner is given a prize. You can perhaps add in some forfeits for the losers to make the game more fun.

Money egg hunt

Who doesn’t love winning some free cash? This Easter, have an Easter egg hunt with the adults by putting money into plastic Easter eggs. Depending on the budget, you can have some eggs filled with $5, $10, $20, $50, and perhaps one grand prize with $100.

Truth-or-drink Easter egg hunt

We’ve all played truth or dare, and while it’s a fun game, why not try truth or drink instead? In truth or drink, a person is asked a particularly tough/personal question that they will most likely not want to answer.

If they choose not to answer, they need to take a shot of a strong spirit. Now to add the whole excitement of the Easter egg hunt, write out these risqué questions onto small pieces of paper and hide them in a plastic Easter egg.

Hide them around the house or backyard and begin the Easter egg hunt. Once the hunt is over, the adults can sit in a circle and begin the truth or drink.  


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