4 Quarantine Drinking Games You Need to Play

4 Quarantine Drinking Games You Need to Play

Shots are always a fun way to kickstart any party.

With many of us still staying in our homes, avoiding social gatherings and public places, or isolating and quarantining after exposure, there are also those who are hanging out safely and responsibly with a few friends. So as long as you're careful, you're in the clear, but with the inability to party like before, we're sure there are tons of people itching for some fun.

While it’s best to socially distance yourself even when you hang out, you can still have some fun with these drinking games. Play in person, over video-call, self-isolation, or while you’re quarantining with a housemate, and there’s no way you’ll ever be bored:

1. Watch party shots

Watch parties are a great way to bond with your social group and find a fun activity without actually having to step out or take chances. They’re easy, inclusive, and safe too. The rules are simple but can vary depending on a few factors. Choose a show or movie you all agree on, and pick out phrases and words that you’ll drink to. From names of characters to catchphrases, musical numbers, dialogues—anything you choose, you can drink to.

2. Truth or drink

Again, easy to play online and in person, you can go around taking turns and deciding between both options. Whether you’d like to drink or spill tea, that's up to you! Everyone gets a fair chance at playing and getting trashed, too, especially with daring questions like these. Just be careful with the kind of truth-telling you do in large groups.

Playing drinking games with your friends is a great way to have fun—and get trashed together.

3. Never have I ever

A timeless classic, this game remains a pop culture favorite too. You'll find it in shows, movies, and at every party you head to, and for good reason. It's a great way to get to know your friends and bond over your hobbies and share embarrassing yet endearing facts and stories about yourself. Whether it’s about your first kiss, a bad date, a sexual rendezvous, lying at work, or shoplifting, everyone's got something that might surprise you. You can also easily play this online, through video call and communication platforms like Zoom, Skype, Facetime, etc., so it's easy to stay at home and still have fun.

4. Virtual or in-person trivia

Nothing like a little trivia to get everyone fired up, is there? You can have a trivia virtual or small, socially distanced night and make a drinking game out of it too. The rules are up to you, whether you'd like to drink for every wrong answer, every broken rule, every missed chance—go ham! No high like winning, is there?

But while you’re having all this fun, be sure to get your dose of ADULTalyte, our alcohol recovery drinks. It won't kill your buzz; just keep you hydrated, fresh, and in the game for longer. You can also say goodbye to hangovers forever with this delicious tropical mimosa electrolyte drink that is guaranteed to replenish you. Reach out today to know more.

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